I work part-time from home too. My daughter is almost 12 months old, and I wouldn't mind to find a low-key playgroup for her. We live fairly close to Madison Square Park. Let me know if you are ever interested in meeting up.
I work part time from home and would love to find playgroups near Gramercy where my 10 month old could enjoy afternoons with other children his age.
I work part-time from home too. My daughter is almost 12 months old, and I wouldn't mind to find a low-key playgroup for her. We live fairly close to Madison Square Park. Let me know if you are ever interested in meeting up.
if you got o meetup.com, you can search for mom groups in your area. I know there is one that met in madison square park in the summer, not sure what they do in the winter
I am home with my 10 month old also and, although I live near Columbia Univ now, I used to live in Gramercy and would love to be part of a group, too. I would come downtown for it. Let me know if you find one!
My son is 10 months and we live in Chelsea, so not far at all. Would be happy to meet up. What places do you like to go to in the area? Have you found some people since you posted? I only saw your message just now, so perhaps you've had some success in the last 2 months.