We have had a Maclaren Triumph and now a Maclaren Techno XT. Both have been great strollers. I went with the Techno the second time only b/c I was walking a great deal on uneven streets in London and the Triumph has small wheels. I think the Volo has the same wheels, which depending on where you are traveling to and what kind of walking you will be doing is something to consider. The smaller wheels have a harder time on older, uneven streets and sidewalks. The bigger the wheels the smoother ride.
Another thing to consider is the Volo is very lightweight and if you put anything on the back of the stroller (such as a bag or backpack) it will tip when you take your child out of the stroller. Just something to consider.
Our Techno has been all over Europe, it is easy to fold and lightweight, but costs more than the other Maclarens do.
One last thing, in our experience they will not normally put the stroller (or pushchair as they say in England and Europe) on the plane with you, it will go underneath. If you are one of the first on and ask they will try to put it on, but not always.