This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but you might check out I had no idea this was out there, but someone gave my daughters Webkinz toys (stuffed animals) for Christmas this year and so we went onto the website to check it out. The deal is, it's sort of a little online world that is very kid-safe. Anyhow, they can earn points and buy things (not real things, but online things) for their little Webkinz characters by going to "quizzy's corner." There are math, social studies, reading, and other kinds of quizzes for each age group, starting with 4 year olds and going up to older grade school ages. Both my 4 and 7 year olds play on Webkinz as much as I'll let them. I don't think they even realize they're studying when they're on that site. Now granted, it's not ALL academic on Webkinz. A lot of it is just playing and messing around - but they are so eager to do these quizzes. You've got to love a website that is kid-safe, teaches them something, and that they love. Anyhow, just a thought!