Hi A.,
When I went through my divorce I did not have kids at the time. However, I can tell you that living together will just complicate things. If he isn't willing to commit to the marriage, then you have no recourse but to get a divorce. It takes two to make a marriage.
Having him live at home will just make things worse. Divorce is ugly any way you look at it. Even when both parties agree divorce is the way to go, it gets ugly. It's the nature of the beast. Each party is trying to do their best for themselves, as it should be, and that leads to ugliness. Having him live at home is not a good idea.
I'm not sure how old your kids are, but you just be honest. You don't have to tell them that your husband cheated on you, but just be honest and say that you can no longer live as husband and wife, but you will always be mommy and daddy. Make sure they know it is not their fault.
As far as where your husband will go, that is not your problem. It is his problem. He should have thought about that before he checked out of the marriage.
I wish you the best hon.