I would say $8-10 an hour, depending on what you expect of her. Is she just going to keep your child entertained and perhaps a snack or is she to do dishes etc?
I was wondering what the going rate was for babysitting these days. I hired one of my piano students to watch my 18 month old a few hours while I teach. I have no idea what to pay these days... She is 14 years old and her Mom is dropping her off and picking her up. (What a lifesaver....)
Thank you so much! It sounds like I'm right on track... I gave her 30 for 4 hours yesterday and 25 for 3 the other day (plus her Mom dropped her off and picked her up) Thanks for the advice!
I would say $8-10 an hour, depending on what you expect of her. Is she just going to keep your child entertained and perhaps a snack or is she to do dishes etc?
For my 12 yo mothers helper, I pay $5/hour, but I am home and available to her. I would think for a 14 yo, depending on how experienced she is, somewhere in the $5-$8/hour range.
$10/hr....and if her Mom is driving her then you are really lucky!
Wow, i must be really cheap. I pay $5 per hour. All i expect them to do is play and take care of my son. If your asking them to do dishes, laundry, or any other tasks while gone then yes i would pay more.
We have a college student that babysits for us occasionally. She charges us $10/hr
If you know mom, check with her. Perhaps pay her $5 an hour in cash and offer to do something more significant if the relationship is long term (like a savings bond or a deposit to her college fund). I mention this only because we had a 13 yr old, and mom was concerned about her having too much cash on hand at that age... We usually paid her 5-10/hr (depending on whether kids were awake or asleep) and then gave her a gift card to Old Navy, Borders, etc. at appropriate times (e.g. holidays, back to school)... You could also offer a discount on lessons, but I'm guessing that helps mom's financials more than hers :)