Going Back to Work After Kids

Updated on July 26, 2011
R.D. asks from Haymarket, VA
6 answers

Hi Moms,
Before being a mom I was a vet tech for 10+ years at general practices and at an oncology office. I love animals and I love medicine but my back and other today parts can't take all the bending restraining etc. So now I'm trying to figure out what to do when my youngest starts kindergarten in 5 years. I figure I should think about it now b/c if I need schooling I'll only be able to do 1 class at a time while juggling life w/hubby and 3 kids. The problem I have NO IDEA what I want to do. Something that has hours that are able to coincide w/kid's school hours. The obvious choice is teaching but I'm not sure how I'd be as one. I would love to be a doula but with no family around I can't be available 24/7 for births. Oh-and I can't sell anything-I'm a terrible sales person.

I'd love to hear what other moms have done and any suggestions anyone has.

Thanks in advance!

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answers from Albuquerque on

You could work at the zoo. I dont know if there is one in your area, but you could be one of the "tour guides" At the zoo here I always see older ( and by older I mean old enough to be retired) people leading groups of young kids and giving them animal facts and answering questions.

P.S. Im not saying that you are old, just that if seniors are out there doing it any of us could be doing the same as well

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answers from Pittsburgh on

how about a para-educator?

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Is there a vet tech school in your area? They are often looking for instructors and if you have kept up your license and can do a little CE you would likely qualify.

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answers from Anchorage on

I have changed my mind 100 times in the past 5 years about what I want to do when my kids start school, but now I am here, my youngest starts in 3 weeks. I am still not for sure!

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answers from Spokane on

I know you said you weren't good at sales but I have a couple of work at home opportunities that I would love to share with you if you are interested. In them you can let the products sell themselves by demonstration or by the training you would receive to help you be successful. If you are interested please contact me here and I would be happy to tell you more about them and direct you to my websites. The great thing about working at home is the ability to work around your family's schedule whatever it may be. I will say that one of the companies I am associated with deals with cosmetics, spa, and skincare and the other company deals with wellness products if either of those interest you.



answers from Denver on

I just left a job teaching vet tech students and am a veterinarian myself. I would agree with your assessment on the physical and scheduling challenges of veterinary work. I have known people who make use of that training in other less physically strenuous areas such as teaching, pet insurance claims processing, clinical trial recruitment and poison control work (even people poison centers use such skills). I can tell you from my experience that many schools still have enough hands on labs that some of the teaching positions are not a picnic. Also many of my students tended to be real sassy (to say the least) towards instructors who had clinical experience prior to teaching but no longer dabbled in clinical work. I like your thoughts about possibly being a doula but you are right about the scheduling challenges there. I am wondering if maybe working in perinatal support until your kids reach an age where being a doula would be a good career path. You could maybe get training in being a lactation consultant (I don't think you have to be an RN) or infant and child CPR instructor which has more normal hours to it and then possibly exxpand that perinatal knowledge base as your schedule allows. BTW I agree that I cannot do sales at all

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