Honeslty the whole gc diet is not that hard, but it is overwhelming to begin. My son has problems with both as well as many other. I wont answer the dairy part since you seem good with that, although i would recommend NOT turning to soy. Rice milk is perferable for many reasons. As for gluten, how far do you want to take it? is there an issue or are you just interested in better health. There are many websites. A great one is www.kidswithfoodallergies.org. if that doesnt come up right you can google KFA. They were my first website and I am so thankful for them! I use www.celiac.com for cookies and snacks for my son. I could put a list together for you and help talk you through it if you want. I had no support when i was battling my sons issues and it was lonely. I can try to make it easier for you. If you live near sterling heights/shelby there is a store called LifeSmart. It is just east of M53 off hall road, in the first strip mall as you go towards HOme depot and salvation army. They have a great gluten free selection. even Vince and Joes has some gluten free foods that are good. Cooking really isnt so bad. you really just focus on meats and veggies and stews and soups and fun sauces to make things interesting. I am no good but get it done and so can you:)
If you want email me and I can help you get started with some recipes and any questions you may have.