Potty training is TWO SEPERATE things. They have to learn to go in the potty-- that's EASY-- it's new, it's exciting and it makes everyone HAPPY! Then they have to learn NOT to go in their pants, that's HARD, it's what they've been doing their WHOLE life, and to NOT do it, even if they understand, they have t o either be coordinated enough to get the pants off, or communicate well enough to get you to do it, not to mention holding it until the get to the bathroom....
Personally, my son is "housebroken" he's got the first part down, and when we're at home he runs around half naked, and we bring the potty to whatever room we're in, and he never has an accident (unless you count sitting on it sideways, or trying to take it to the bathroom himself to dump in the big toilet) and on the theory that pee is pee I keep some pet stain remover to deal with those little problems. It just depends on what bothers you more-- a naked booty (and if they're naked they WILL play with Mr Winky) or changing diapers..... We won't even TRY the second part until he's talking more and has better dressing/undressing skills, but I buy about HALF the diapers I used to, since we only use them when sleeping, when leaving the house or when its COLD!