You are not crazy, you are a very diligent mother. More power to you!!
You may need a second opinion on your 3 year old child's need for dental fillings. Many are now recommending that if the tooth is not infected, to leave it alone (baby teeth will fall out soon) or to pull it out if there is a risk of the infection spreading.
Please please please don't give your son metal (silver) fillings. They contain mercury which is extremely toxic and very dangerous for anyone, especially a child, to have in their mouth.
My daughter got asthma shortly after she had metal fillings put in, and it disappeared shortly after those filled teeth fell out. As an adult she is now dealing with mercury residue in her body that is causing bone deterioration.
My own asthma went away after my silver fillings were removed. I am now dealing with severe mercury toxicity from having so many silver fillings for so long. Mercury has more dangerous effects than you want to know, and they are extremely under-reported because the American Dental Association does not want you to know, either.
You know how there are warnings out about consuming fish because of mercury? Well, having a metal filling puts much more mercury in the body than any kind of fish diet.
Dental problems are nutritional problems, not hygiene as the ADA and food industry would like us to believe. Read "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by one of the world's top dentists, Weston A. Price.
Your son's dental problems may be due to a lack of the fat-soluble vitamins. In that case, a daily dose of high-vitamin cod liver oil, as well as a diet rich in bone broths, organ meats, especially liver from pastured animals, and full fat, raw and fermented dairy foods can help the teeth heal. See this wonderful nutritional website www.westonaprice.org for more information on that.
Total anesthesia is very dangerous, more dangerous than most of the surgeries that they perform when you are given the anesthetic. It also actually does cause brain damage. Laughing gas would be much preferable and less dangerous.
Two other common dental procedures to avoid are fluoride treatments and x rays. Use a biological dentist.
There is a dentist in Jacksonville who is wonderful with small children, very fast, and does not use dangerous procedures. Dr. Stephen Hwang whose website is www.straightwhite.com There is a dental office 2 blocks from our house, but we drive all the way from Gainesville to Jacksonville because he is the best we've found.
M. Minno
Mother of two
Grandmother of two