Hi there,
I've been a GS leader for both of my daughters' troops (6 years each) as well as serving as Service Unit Secretary and Event Coordinator so I'm pretty familiar with the program!
I actually didn't sign my second daughter up in K because I knew if I did I would end up being the leader and I didn't want to lead two troops, initially. So I waited until she was in 1st grade.
I hate to say it but the leader was awful. She was super sweet, but just really unorganized, poor communication, last minute changes, I could go on and on.
When we joined the troop I just sort of took over.
At first I said, I'd like to be your co leader, and she said great! So we worked together for about a year and a half, but I was really calling the shots.
I don't know how to explain it. I wasn't pushy or rude about it at ALL, I was just assertive and started planning things rather than asking. For example, I would approach her with something like, oh I think the girls would enjoy this Camporee in the spring, I'm going to go ahead and send out an email and submit the reg form for the girls who want to go.
Sometimes the natural leaders just need to step forward and make things happen.
I know this can get weird, especially with an already established troop, and I know it doesn't always work out as well as it did for me (trust me, the moms were glad I stepped up) but if it DOESN'T work out with this troop, please consider looking for another one, or starting your own!
I loved my years leading my girls and their friends, it was by far my absolute favorite way of volunteering my time for my kids :)