Gifting a Homeday Care Provider?

Updated on April 07, 2011
A.G. asks from Albuquerque, NM
7 answers

I take my kids to a home daycare 3 days a week.
My husband recently got a promotion but has to go to work earlier, our daycare was willing to take our kids a full hour earlier in the morning ( i have to be at work before he does and i have a longer commute)
I want to get her something to show her how grateful we are that shes flexiable with us. We did offer to pay more since the kids would be there 3 more hours a week but she wouldnt take the check.
Any ideas for a gift? Would it be tacky to give her a thank you card and include a check?

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answers from Phoenix on

That is awesome that she would do that for you. I would definatly get her a thank you card and maybe a gift card to go out to eat or something. I think if you already tried to give her a check & she didnt take it, she may not accept the other one either.

Good luck!

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answers from St. Louis on

What about a gift card instead of a check? Where does she shop? Wal- Mart, Kroger, etc? What about a gas card? Who wouldn't love and use that?! I would aim for practical - so cash or a card you know she needs and will use. If you give it to her in a card and run, she has to accept it! =)You are a thoughtful mommy! Good luck.

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answers from Phoenix on

I'd say a thank you card with a gift card would be nice....for a pedicure, movies, Target, dinner, bookstore or grocery store, etc.



answers from San Antonio on

We always do gift cards to Starbucks - She LOVES the treat that is just for her!


answers from Appleton on

Yeah - I wouldn't give her an extra check in a Thank You card. A gift card to a local coffee shop or even a bag of her favorite coffee and a new mug. Just a little something to show that you are grateful for what she is doing for your family.



answers from Los Angeles on

For Holidays or anything special for both my kids daycare/preschool, I do a gift card. A check may be inappropriate since she already indicated she didn't want additional pay. You could also do a nice gift basket or toys for the daycare to show her how much you appreciate her flexibility.


answers from Minneapolis on

If she won't take the cash/check...maybe a gift card for something you know she would like. If she is someone who mentions "so and so massage place" or the nail place down the street....or if you know she likes a coffee shop, attempt to stop and grab her a coffee before work, or on the way to pick the kids up if you think she would appreciate it then (an iced coffee some people like). Or a gift card for a book store or if there is a preschool supply type place (Like Lakeshore Learning or maybe you can get an online certificate for a place like Discount School Supply so she can buy supplies for her daycare..paints and craft things, etc....I order online from there all the time!)

I am a provider..and always appreciated that a parent paid attention to me saying things like I wanted to try a certain restaurant, or I liked a certain one. Or that "Ahh..a peppermint hot chocolate suits me in any weather any time of day" (I said this once apparently! And on and off for about 2 years with one family, Mom would show up with one at drop off if they came a little later or at pick up..when she had the time...I loved the surprise!!!!).

I once was making sweet muffins from the recipe in my 1960's Betty Crocker cookbook (it was my mothers) and while I love the sentimental value and funny-ness of the "how to set a table" instructions in it...I mentioned to the Mom who saw us using it that "one day I will break down and get a modern one"....about 6 mos later when Christmas rolled around, that family had gotten me one! She paid attention and filed the comment away!! I loved that!

So just some thoughts....other ideas!

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