Gift Ideas for a GREAT Pediatrician

Updated on May 12, 2010
J.S. asks from Dayton, OH
4 answers

Hi moms!! Need you help on a gift idea for our pediatrician. My daughter's pediatrician has been her pediatrician since the day she was born. He was the first dr to see her as soon as she was deliveried. We just found out that he is leaving the office at the end of June. My husband and I absolutely LOVE him. If we could we would pack up and move to where ever he is going that is how much we love him. But we are having a hard time coming up with a gift for him that shows how much we appreciate him. I would like to get him something he can take on with him not something like a cookie basket which is gone with in a couple of hours. If you could help me out with any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Hope all you moms had a GREAT Mother's Day. :)

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answers from Philadelphia on

Hi J.:
I did for my kids' ped cookies in Christmas as a nice gesture for his service, and he shared it with the staff. However, this is a different occasion since your favorite ped is leaving and you probably want something more personal to give to him. My dad is a ped and he likes pens. A Mont Blanck pen is a great gift, if that is within your budget. Remember ped, as the rest of the physicians, have to write lots of prescriptions all the time. Another idea is that some time ago, I bought for my dad a sort of stethoscope cover in a shape of a tiger and a dog. They look like stuff animals and one end is the tail of the animal and the other end is the head of the animal. They look very cute and are more affordable than the pen. I do not remember the website, but google it, if your are interesting in it.



answers from Dallas on

We got my daughter's female pediatrician a little statue of a woman and a baby that was very loving and caring looking. It was to represent her and the babies she helps. She could put it in her office as a reminder of very grateful patients. Perhaps there is one of a man and child. Doesn't have to be in doctor gear which may be impossible to find (unless you want to look on the internet).

My associate at work 20 years ago gave me a gold plated, 3.5" four leaf clover as a paperweight. I have it on my desk to this day and it makes me think that that was her lasting wish for me for good luck.

Or, wonder if the staff would let you do this. Make a scrapbook album that looks very cute but professional on the outside. Find poetry from a book or card that fits the situation and put it on the first sheet, giving author's credit at the bottom of course. Affix a picture of your child, children, or family and put it on one page wherein you can write your appreciations below it with your names. The extra pages can be used by other patients who want to join in. The office staff could leave it open in the waiting room with a little invitation to add theirs. They could call the regular patients and invite them to write a farewell note and bring in a picture if they like as the pediatrician will miss them all.



answers from Tampa on

My dad is a Pedi and has always loved the cards/pictures from his "kids" over the years. i would suggest a card (with a letter), maybe a plaque or a framed certificate - something that he can look at and know he has made a difference especially when he has a stressful day. Also make sure you get his new office address and send him updates over the years. My dad still gets updates/pictures/letters from a patient from 20+ years ago and he loves it.



answers from New York on

I like the idea of a pen, as suggested below. As a child psychologist, my walls are covered with framed art and letters from my kids. I would have your children do a thank you letter and decorate it- then frame it!

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