Gift Ideas for a Dear Friend

Updated on August 31, 2011
C.R. asks from Everett, WA
10 answers

Hi Mamas!

I am just at a loss as to what to get my very dear friend for her birthday this year. Our birthdays are about a week apart and we've always exchanged gifts; not always spendy, but thoughtful and perfectly suited for each other. Before either of us had children we also went out and celebrated together too. We've been close for many years, since middle school, and she's the closest thing to a sister I have. There's some background to help!

She knits, likes tea, not too into coffee, likes to read and she just had her first baby last month. I got her a knitting book when she first started to learn and some knitting needles and supplies that she wanted. I'm just looking for some new ideas and thought I'd check with you guys. Anything thoughtful or meaningful, but not too expensive?


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So What Happened?

Thank you for all the great ideas! We're close, but I don't think we're menstrual cup close! Hahahaha... Maybe as a joke. :-) LOVE the idea of the fancy teaspoon... See? Not a tea drinker - NEVER would have thought of that. Also, LOVE the list of tea spots - I will be using that list in the future. Right now we're both starting the school year and are busy, but I see a trip to Bainbridge in my future with my gal pal - thanks Mary Ann! I will be heading to Teavana and World Market this weekend. Thanks again everyone!

Featured Answers


answers from St. Louis on

If I had a friend like you (wonderful friend!) and I had just had a baby, I would love it if you would bring me homemade food!

Bake her cookies, make a lasagna she can cook or freeze, and buy her the book "The Help" or a book on raising happy kids. Throw some flavored tea bags in there and you are set!

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answers from Milwaukee on

Do you have a World Market? I always find the neatest things there.

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answers from Dallas on

How about a unique tea pot or an antique infuser or some other tea fancy doodad, along with a box of specialty teas. Here is a glass teapot on Amazon for $17. It comes with Tea, a diffuser, and some wierd tea flower. But it sure looks cool!

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answers from Kansas City on

Do you have a specialty tea shop where you live? Maybe she would love some tea, to drink while she is watching her baby sleep. You know, her treat for when she can have a few moments to herself. Or maybe a gift certificate to a bookstore, maybe she'd want to get a book about babies, or something that will take her mind off of it, if she's so inclined at times!! Hope you have a happy birthday!! We have a tea store here, called Teavana, not sure maybe they have an online store as well. It is a wonderful store.

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answers from Seattle on

What about bringing her a nice meal for her family to enjoy, a fun magazine that she likes, and some yummy dessert treat. Any new mom with little baby can fully appreciate a fully cooked dinner delivered to their door! You could even include some fun Tea type treats on the side as part of the gift!

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answers from Portland on

Is there a local place near you that makes tea? You could take her on a tour of the factory if they provide tours. If not take her to an expensive afternoon tea at a fancy hotel. The time away from the baby would be a treat for some or if she's not ready to leave the baby she can bring him/her with her. You might consider picking up a pricey silver teaspoon and have it engraved with a meaningful phrase or her last name or something. Present it with a new fancy tea cup or tea set.

I found this listing online for a place in Bainbridge that is called Churchmouse Yarn and Tea. They sell knitting stuff and tea stuff and they do tea tastings. Perhaps you could take her to lunch and surprise her with a shopping trip here.

If that's too far there is a webpage with other listings here:

What about something she might want but wouldn't indulge in for herself. I always love candles or bath and body stuff. Since I live in house with all boys I don't have girly stuff like that given to me often. It's not something I would go spend money on for myself so I really appreciate it when it is given to me.

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answers from Dallas on

I have a friend like that! Out of the blue, I sent her a totally funny gift - something that reminded us of a childhood joke. Do you two have a special, favorite song or artist? All gifts don't have to be useful - sometimes something whimsical or nostalgic are just as fun!

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answers from Seattle on

How about the two of you go get your toes done. Quality time together plus she can bring the baby :)

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answers from Kansas City on

maybe a nice scrap book or photo album. or a gift certificate to a site that does photo printing like Kodak etc so she can print out her fav pics. I love Scarlett's ideas as well!!

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answers from Portland on

A Menstrual Cup. I recommend the Moon Cup is has a 90 day money back guarantee For a new mom this will be a life savor. For any woman these are great & unusual.

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