'Gift' for 7 Yr Old in Celebration of Arrival of New Brother?

Updated on January 06, 2010
M.C. asks from North Las Vegas, NV
12 answers

Just curious if anyone had any ideas of special things to do or give to our 7 year old son to celebrate the arrival of our new baby in February. As an only child for all these years, we know things will change for him but want to do something to make him feel like he still has a special and important role in our family. Any ideas?

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answers from Seattle on

When I had my second son, I went to build a bear, and made him a special bear and dressed in pajamas got accesories like bottle, binky etc. So he was able to take care of his bear while i had to feed the baby . Until the baby was a big bigger and he was able to help with actual care. He also enjoyed getting the diapers, getting clothes he wanted baby to wear.

My bestfriend got her son a DS, when baby was born, that way he could occupy his time with video game while she was busy with baby.

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answers from Seattle on

When I was ready to give birth to my daughter, I took my son (who's 6) to a pottery place and had him make his sister and himself something. This took his mind off of everything and allowed him his full creativity. Another thing that would be nice would be to get a TShirt made saying "I'm a big brother!" Or having him help you make a shirt for the baby. :D

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answers from Seattle on

Try getting tickets to something that you and your husband can do with just him when the baby comes. My husband and I got 3 season tickets to the Seahawks when our second child was born (my oldest was 8). We now have two little ones, but every Seahawk Sunday home game we get a sitter, usually my mom, for the little ones and go out just the three of us. It's a way to show him that he is special and a time to re-connect.

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answers from Eugene on

I still have such a vivid memory of going with my grandma to pick out a special outfit to take my sister home from the hospital in (it was pink and frilly). My brother was 6 and I was 7--so while we weren't only children it was a big change in the family. My mom let us dress her in the new outfit to bring her home too--it took us forever to figure out how to put the little socks on (it's been over 20 years and I can remember every detail!). My mom did such a good job of making us feel like we had a really important role to play in her life and we just loved everything about having a little baby around. Honestly, we both were just obsessed with our new baby and LOVED her too much--we would get upset when my mom told us it was time for her to nap--we really considered her "our" baby. We helped pick out her name, put her crib together; it was such a special time in my life! Given that you're thinking about all of this now I bet it will be in your son's too. Congratulations!

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answers from Seattle on

Congratulations on the impending arrival of your baby! I am due with my 2nd child on Friday, and have an almost 5 year old son. We bought him his own camera (as a gift from the baby) for him to help document life with his new sister.

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answers from Portland on

My son got a "I'm a big brother" shirt. He was (and still is) very proud!

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answers from Seattle on

Find out something he really wants, that is something reasonable to give him. Wrap it up and give it to him from the baby.

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answers from Medford on

Include him in the care of the child. Time and loving attention nurture love not things. Teach him how to care for her with you to what ever degree his is interested. Also, make sure to continue to spend some time with him one on one.

It is wonderful that he learns to care for some one and not have to be the only one w/attention all the time. This experience can create a better young man when he experiences give, service and love, when he see how you love the little one, remind him to join you and that he has had so much love for all these years that he has enough to share w/the baby.

There is space for everyone in your home.

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answers from Bellingham on

Is there anything he has wanted for a really long time but hasn't been "old enough" for? now would be a good time - so show him yes, he is the older one now. But make it something that you can do together - like a leap frog game or something...lego's, craft making project, a cake, etc...that way baby or the item doesn't replace the time that would have otherwise been spent with the older child. They need to still know that you or another parent figure can still give them precious attention and time and not be forgotten.

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answers from Seattle on

First of all, enroll him in a siblings class. So he's aware of a new baby's needs and body. It's important and he'll listen better to someone other than Mom or Dad at this point. There will be other soon to be big brothers and sisters in the class and he will get to make something for his new brother. He's going to need something to tend to while you're tending to the new baby. This shouldn't be a gift because you have a new baby, but something that will keep him busy and occupied while you're adjusting to the new schedule and demands on your time. A computer game, books, color books... at the same time you don't want to get him something that could become a choking hazard for the baby, such as legos. You could take him out shopping for the baby's coming home outfit, or he could pick out a small stuffed animal to put in the hospital bassinet so he can readily identify his brother from all the others. Have him help you get things ready, starting to become that big brother now. Paint/create a big brother sweat shirt or tee shirt. Make a blanket that he will use when holding the baby. He's 7, but he would probably still like a stuffed animal, so go to Build a Bear and let him pick out his new friend. Remind others that come bearing gifts for the baby that it might be nice to remember the big brother, again a book, a magazine, a DVD or game, or even a trip to a movie giving him some time away from the baby scene, or they could give you or your husband an break, they watch the baby while you take your eldest to a show or for an ice cream or McDonald's. I wish you well!!! Happy baby, happy big brother, and a happy new year!!

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answers from Portland on

I would let him pick out a diaper bag, for him to fill with things to help with the new baby. A bag he picks from the store and fill with wipes, powder, baby toys. then when you are changing or tending to the new baby he can pull out his bag to help, by distracting the baby with toys or handing you a wipe or powder. Letting him help with feedings are really special moments for him, along with a special gift for him, when the baby arrives, as he will see that the new baby is getting all sorts of gifts. Another thing that older siblings love is a calendar that you fill out with special me time for him to spend with just Mom and then just Dad. congrats on your new family member and good luck.

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answers from Seattle on

When my daughter was seven I was pregnant with our son and instead of having another baby shower I threw my daughter a "big sister shower". Everyone got to come and give things to her that had to do with the new baby and she got to open all the gifts. It ranged from baby toys to a couple big girl toys or outfits that were easy for her to put on the new baby (even a pair of soft shoes). She felt very special and everyone loved coming and seeing both of us.
Congratulations and good luck

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