First of all, enroll him in a siblings class. So he's aware of a new baby's needs and body. It's important and he'll listen better to someone other than Mom or Dad at this point. There will be other soon to be big brothers and sisters in the class and he will get to make something for his new brother. He's going to need something to tend to while you're tending to the new baby. This shouldn't be a gift because you have a new baby, but something that will keep him busy and occupied while you're adjusting to the new schedule and demands on your time. A computer game, books, color books... at the same time you don't want to get him something that could become a choking hazard for the baby, such as legos. You could take him out shopping for the baby's coming home outfit, or he could pick out a small stuffed animal to put in the hospital bassinet so he can readily identify his brother from all the others. Have him help you get things ready, starting to become that big brother now. Paint/create a big brother sweat shirt or tee shirt. Make a blanket that he will use when holding the baby. He's 7, but he would probably still like a stuffed animal, so go to Build a Bear and let him pick out his new friend. Remind others that come bearing gifts for the baby that it might be nice to remember the big brother, again a book, a magazine, a DVD or game, or even a trip to a movie giving him some time away from the baby scene, or they could give you or your husband an break, they watch the baby while you take your eldest to a show or for an ice cream or McDonald's. I wish you well!!! Happy baby, happy big brother, and a happy new year!!