
Updated on September 28, 2007
T.S. asks from Lakeland, FL
4 answers

Has anyone ever heard anything about this childcare or have experienced it first hand. Please help. My son is on the waiting list there. Every place I call is either has a waiting list or doesn't start them until age 2. My son is 10 months and I live in North Lakeland near the mall. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I posted a message before but I'm not having any luck with my posts. Thank you for your time.

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answers from Lakeland on

Hi T., I also live in Lakeland and had my son on the waiting list there. We decided not to put him there because during one of our supprise visits the teacher was upset at a child because he had wet his we decided to keep him in Plant City @ Golden Rule. We ahve since moved him to Pathway Christian Acadamy on Mem Blvd and are very pleased. I almost forgot to say he is 4 now going into there pre K class, I have observed all the classes there and had I had known how organized they were I would have amde the change sooner. Hope this helps.




answers from Lakeland on

It is a good center but hard to get in to. I have a home childcare center and would be able to take him now if you still need care. Email me @ or call my cell ###-###-####. P.S I charge $100 a week meals included if he eats table food T.



answers from Lakeland on

I had my 3yr old at Evangle when he was that small and now he's at Bobbies Buzy Bee's and there great but they start at 2 and Im in the same boat I need to know where a goo place for an infant is I'm about to have another one



answers from Lakeland on

I asked two friends who have kids there. One says she is looking to switch her child to another school (but didn't give me a reason) and the other said that the main director is leaving, and she is thinking of leaving because of the director leaving. Hope this helps.

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