I think just going cold turkey would probably be best... you'll probably have a few rough nights, but then it should get better. If not, just put water in the bottle, then slowly decrease the amount until there is nothing. I'm sure you probably already know this, but letting babies/toddlers sleep with bottles increases the chance of getting ear infections (and thus having to have tubes put in) and is bad for their teeth. So, the sooner you take it away the better.
As for sleeping through the night, she may not feel well, but part of it may also be habit. Put her back to bed (her bed) without talking and without turning on lights. Back to bed and say "It's night-night time." If she gets up again, don't say anything, just put her back to bed. If you're sure she's not waking because she isn't feeling well, then don't feel badly about letting her cry for a bit. She's old enough that she should start to get the point that night time isn't for playing, it's for sleeping. Be consistent, stick to it, and eventually they will get it.