I just took a class on how to get your autistic child to follow your directions better. You have to wait until you have time (and the patience) to follow through.
You have to be very clear and simple.
Say: Put your socks on. And if she does make a great big deal praising her. Tell her: Great putting your socks on. Or whatever.
If she doesn't say: Nice try. Put your socks on. Like this. And then put one sock on for her. You can do it hand over hand so she is at least participating in it and try to get her to do the other sock.
Bait her with a cookie or something. If she does it, give her the cookie right away. If not say: Sorry, no cookie. And since she knows how to do it anyway, that'll be good incentive for her to put her socks on herself. I made a monster with the just-let-me-do-it approach. My kids can tell when I'm frustrated and use it to their advantage. Hope that helps.