Getting My 8 Mo Old Daughter to Sleep at Night.

Updated on April 29, 2008
A.H. asks from Brigham City, UT
17 answers

MY daughter does not sleep a solid two hours throughout the entire night. When she was little she would sleep through the night almost every night. There were some nights where she would wake for a bottle but fall right back asleep. For about a month now she wakes up every hour to hour and a half. I took her into the doctor and he put tubes in her ears and gave her a shot of anitbiotic but it hasn't seemed to help. I feel like I have tried everything from letting her cry it out to feeding her cereal before she goes to bed. I am at my wits end here. Her crib is in my room and most nights she ends up in bed with me cause I am so tired of getting out of bed every hour. We are living with my parents right now so there is not alot of room for us here. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I loved the book "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child" by Dr. Marc Weissbluth. It works like a charm. I took from it what made sense to me & what I felt good about & applied it. We're ALL happy now! It's such a challenging problem. I really feel for you. Good luck. No matter what you do or don't do this doesn't last forever! Hang on!



answers from Great Falls on

try having her sleep up right in her car seat or her swing, you feel awful about it, BUT IT WORKS! At about two, we found out my son had asthma & reflux, they could not truly diagnose him until then(for the asthma), but that was the reason he didn't sleep laying flat.

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answers from Provo on

Try putting her on a schedule. My baby is three months and she sleeps through the night. I think it's because I have her on a schedule. I feed her at six AM then change her, play with her awhile (at least keep her awake for an hour), then put her down for a nap. I start the process over again at about nine AM. She is really good natured unless she gets way off schedule .....and I get a lot more done during the day. Like I said, try it. It might take awhile for him to get accustomed to it, but I really believe you could have him sleeping through the night in about two months or less. (Look up 'Growing Kids Gods Way' It explains it all very well.) Good luck!


answers from Pocatello on

I don't think she is waking up because she is hungry, she is doing it because she is in the same room as you and can see you. When i would go to visit family we had my daughter in the guest room with us and even though she would sleep through the night at home she would wake up as soon as we came in to go to bed and then would continue to wake up every 2 hours after that. I know you said you are living with family and don't have alot of room but you might want to try sleeping on the couch for a couple of nights to see if then she sleeps. You might have to let her cry it out for a night or two but then she might start sleeping. Or if there is no extra room to put her in you could try putting her crib in an extra bathroom. I know that sounds weird but when my sister & her husband went on vacation with their son they put the pack&play in the bathroom in the hotel and he slept good because he was still in his own room. It must be really hard to deal with this when you don't have your own good luck.



answers from Great Falls on

Is your baby teething? My 8 month old did almost the same thing. She slept really well until she started teething. THen she started waking every couple hours. I found teething tablets (Hylands homeopathic teething tablets, they should be in the baby section of any store) helped some, and when her gums looked really sore I would give her ibuprofen before bed and she slept better. We are still trying to get her back on her regular schedule again (1 month later), but it seems for her mostly to be related to teething. It is worth looking into anyway.
Another thing you could try is a soothing lavender bath (JOhsons has a bedtime bath product), and maybe a rubdown with lotion before bed.) that sometimes helped my boys when they couldn't sleep well.

Good luck. I hope sleep is soon in your future.



answers from Colorado Springs on

Have you thought about teething? My daughter took a long time to cut those teeth around that age and she was up often at night even though she was a good little sleeper before that. You might try some Tylenol/ whatever pain reliever that you give your little one before bed and see if she will sleept then. Check if her gums are swollen and maybe try giving her something like a teething ring to help??? just a thought:) Hang in there! I am sure that you are very tired and doing whatever you know to do! Remember that this is a season and that she will be grown before you know it:) Many Blessings, J.



answers from Denver on

I understand living with in-laws. We're in the same boat through the end of the summer. Is there someplace else you could let her sleep? Maybe even in a pack-n-play since it takes less room. Our second one had the same problem, but it was just that he could hear us and see us. The first night we put him in the hall, he slept all night, no problems. We did that for about a week, and then he was fine being in the room with us as he had adjusted to sleeping through the night.



answers from Colorado Springs on

Oh I have been husband deployed for 8 months when our oldest was 2 months old and on an apnea monitor. She sensed the stress at 5 months and learned to pull the chord and set off the machine! Lovely!!!!!
Try just putting her to bed with you For me, a full night's sleep was and still is worth a whole lot more than sleeping alone and waking every hour!
It sounds as if you could both benefit form the extra cuddles!



answers from Denver on

Sounds to me like she's teething.

I'd be very careful of blind antibiotics and tubes in her ears. Both treatments have been shown to be very harmful in the long run.

I heard this man speak in Boulder last fall. His web site is absolutely wonderful for questions like yours,

Take care!




answers from Denver on

My son used to get up 8-10 times a night, every night. I was a sleep-deprived mess, as you might imagine. At first I was sure he was teething, but it just got to be a whole pattern of sleepless nights for both of us. Totally my fault for running to him every time he cried out at all...but I digress.

I had read a few of the sleep books but none quite worked for us until I found "Good Night, Sleep Tight" by Kim West and Joanne Kenen. (My son was 15 months old.) A few weeks after implementing the suggestions in this book (the Sleep Lady Shuffle, mainly) he seriously slept 11 hours straight!! OMG, I was ecstatic!

You might be able to find it at your local library. I have recommended this book to a few friends and they've all had great success with it.

Good luck to you & I hope you can all get some sleep soon!



answers from Boise on

When we were living with my parents, we finally had my baby sleep in the living room every night. I could tolerate letting him cry much better when he wasn't right there next to me! When I was growing up (second of eight children), there wasn't much room, and my mom ended up putting my youngest brother's crib in a large closet so we could all get more sleep. I don't know how big the house is, or how much room there is, but try to get creative as to where your baby can sleep. You and she will very likely sleep much better if you aren't sharing a room.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Dr. Kaehlberer I think that is how it is spelled is an amazing ob/gyn and he delivers at the new hospital



answers from Colorado Springs on

Have you tried feeding her at the first time? My daughter went thru a phase (growth spurt) and wanted some food at that time. If she is wanting to play or is up for a while, than this is something to work at. What time does she go to bed? How many naps a day? She may be teething which makes my daughter have a really hard time at night. You may need to look into that as well. Teeth are wicked! Try some oragel and see if she gets some relief. If she does you may want to give her tylanol or motrin to ease her pain at night. Sorry, I hope that helps. :)
J. S



answers from Denver on

I have been experiencing sleeping problems with my 11 month old daughter, minus needing tubes and antibiotics. She wakes up about every hour to hour and a half. Anyway, i have started reading a book called 'The No Cry Sleep Solution'. It isn't a 'quick fix', but I feel that I have some hope now. Maybe reading it could help you out as well! Just my 2 cents!



answers from Boise on

I like what Holly W. had to say. Try putting your baby in bed with you. You both will probably sleep better. Don't worry - it won't last forever, and she can learn to sleep in her own bed when she is older. My babies always co-sleep with my husband and me, and they transition to their own bed when they are about two years old.



answers from Denver on

I feel for you! I have the same problem with my 9mo. old. i think it is fairly common with this age- teeth, growth spurts... but still hard to deal with. I have switched him out of our room- but he still wakes every 2 or 3 hrs. I think it may be teeth- but if so- he has a lot of teeth to go and I can not do this forever. I will let you know if anything works!



answers from Salt Lake City on

My babies sleep through the night by the time they're 6 weeks. It's a trick my mom used on all of her kids. She kept us awake from 6pm - 10pm. My daughters are 4 and 13 months and, except for the occasional night, they sleep all the way through. I was a preemie and I still learned to sleep through the night by 6 weeks old. Just an idea!

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