Milk is not a necessity. Calcium/Fat is and you can get calcium/fat from many other products.
My daughter and I are not big milk drinkers at all. She has it in her cereal and at school lunch that's about it. We don't hate it but we don't love it either.
I personally think it's weird that we drink cow's milk. I think God intended for the Cow to nurse her calfs and for humans to nurse their babies. I'm not against milk but have always just thought it's weird.
They are also finding more and more bad reactions people are having to milk. Alot of people out there have bad reactions to milk yet like it so still drink it or don't put 2 and 2 together. I know for my daughter it flares up her eczema really bad.
So I know that is was the norm. for our parents to be pushed on milk as children and then we were pushed on milk but research shows that we donot need to push milk on our own children.
A well rounded diet will do just fine.
I know alot of children who are allergic to milk and don't drink it at all and are perfectly healhty or like my daughter and I who are doing just fine with a little bit.
My daughter is a big water drinker as well and I'd rather have a good water drinker over a good milk drinker anyday.