Hi D.,
My little girl is 3 months old now (BF baby too) & her "schedule" changes all the time. Just when you think you've got it down, they go & change their routine. She's now going to bed around 7:30pm & wakes up at around 3:30am before waking for the day at 6:30am. Not sure if that will last but I'm liking it right now!
I know this is somewhat of a controversy, but do you use a pacifier? I tried with all my might to avoid it but it helped my little girl fall asleep better. Remember that some babies need to suck more than others and it's either thumb/fingers or a pacifier. Sucking also stimulates digestion which might help the reflux? I'm no expert on reflux though so maybe don't listen to that ; ) I'm sure your pediatrician will have more sound advice!
I read one of the responses that suggested eliminating the 5pm nap, sounds like a pretty good idea to me.
As far as the rocking to sleep, I do it too & I feel that she sleeps better & why not? If it's working for you & you enjoy that time with your son, who are you hurting? I believe that babies cry at this age or a reason and as a parent, we are able to fix it. You cannot spoil a baby this young. I do put my girl down before she is totally asleep & keep one hand under her back & the other on her stomach then slowly pull them away one at a time (the one on the back first). This way she isn't shocked by a cold mattress...Just an idea ; )
Remember you are doing a great job even when you feel like you might not be. Being a first time mom can seem like a daunting task at times but if you go with your gut, you can't go wrong. So congratulations on being the best mother in the world to your little boy!