Yes, pooping does take time and we were frustrated as well. Our daughter was 3 1/2 when she finally went. Our daughter would only poop (in her diaper) when she would go down for a nap or lay down in th evening. I thought of many ways to encourage her and I found one that FINALLY worked. A treat for my daughter is to eat at Burger King, we don't do it very often and when we do she knows it something special. So when the olympics was on TV, I told her that everytime she went poop on the potty she would get a gold medal (I created them out of construction paper so she could tape them to the wall) and when she received 10, we would take her to BK. She layed down for her nap and told my husband she pooped in her diaper. When he looked it was stuck to her bottom so he had her sit on the potty. He told her to grunt, it fell off and she really thought she did it. She wasn't scared anymore and she just took off from there, it was amazing! I never thought she would go! Good Luck!