My son is just over 8 months old, has been sleeping through the night since he was 3 months old, and going to bed without a bottle since forever [If by going to bed with a bottle you mean laying him down and giving him a bottle then that's what I mean.]. My husband works night shifts, and gets off work at 11:30pm, and I go and pick him up, because our son stays awake to see him [and it's absolutely adorable, too.]. Once we get home, we change him, give him a warm bottle, and once he's done, swap the bottle with a binky. He'll usually start to drift off while he's laying in our arms, but there are some nights when he just refuses to go to sleep, in which case either me or my hubby will take him, hold him super close to us, wrap our arms around him tightly [not too tight, however, but tight enough to hold his arms down] and let him cry and fuss until he falls asleep. This process usually takes 10 minutes or so, depending on his day. I know it sounds cruel, holding his arms down and whatnot, but I read somewhere a while ago that it gives them the secure feeling of being in the womb, that the tighness is reassuring. I tried it, not thinking anything of it, but lo-and-behold it worked.
Hope this helps out a little :)