Youre going to have to do the messy finger food thing sometime - for the longest time, I only spoon fed my now 14 month old because I didnt want the mess. I dont have any uncarpeted area in my rental home, and pictured food being flug all over the place. They have to learn to feed themselves at some point, and when they begin, it always ends in a mess. So at meal time, I put plastic down on my carpet, strip the baby down to her diapers, and let her feed herself. Here are some finger foods Ive found to be LESS messy than others (though remember, your daughter wants to explore textures and will squish and smash anything you put in front of her)
-Fresh lunch meat (roast beef, chicken, turkey) in little pieces
-Sandwiches made with wheat bread (the wheat bread wont stick to the top of her mouth) in little pieces
-Peeled and cut grapes
-fresh peaches, nectarines, cantaloupe (make sure they are semi firm or they just turn into mush)
- Cool or warm plain pasta with a little butter, the twists are nice and big for them to pick up
- Strawberries (they dont stain)
- grated cheese
-grilled cheese sandwiches
-little pieces of grilled chicken
Depending upon how many teeth she has (my daughter already had 12 teeth on her 1st birthday) give her what YOU would normally eat, just in smaller pieces. She'll come back to the spoon eventually: my daughter did the same thing with spoon feeding when she was in the middle of back teething too. Under any circumstances, DO NOT GIVE HER HOT DOGS. They arent good for her, and I cant tell you how many children choke on cut up hotdogs. She can wait for those until she is older.
Good luck!