i have one book for you. THE NO CRY SLEEP SOLUTION. it is wonderful. my son coslept with me as well up until he was 10-11 months old when he went to his own bed on his own terms. where he sleeps every night all night. he was takign naps in his crib from 3 months. now i wasn't able to bf, due to lack of supply, but still i feel your pain. the book gives you tips on how to get them to sleep longer.
Are you opposed to a paci? if not, give her a paci after you remove the boob. Also, if she doesn't have one yet, get her a lovelie. something she can snuggle up with that smells like you and her. use this when ever you put her down at naps or at night. never allow her to play with it during the day time though, at least until she gets use to sleeping with it. You will basically be giving her a new sleep associoation then you and your boob.
I tried the CIO thing, not once but twice and met with failure each time. i'm sorry, no offense to mother's who do use CIO. But to me, IMO that is the hardest way to teach a young baby to sleep on their own. what is the child learning really , except that when they are in teh crib htey have to scream to comfort themselves. I hope i havent' offended anyone, ibut i personally don't believe in CIO. specially if a baby doesn't respond well to it, by going to sleep after a few minutes of whining.
Now i did practice the whine it out. if he was just whining, i left him in his crib. the moment he started crying though i went and got him and comfort him.
it can be done, and it can be done without tears. your baby's or your's . get the book. it's by Elizabeth Pantely. it is a true miracle.