I have 2 children that are NOT morning people and had a terrible time getting up. They are now adults and deal with it in their own way. Once successfully and one not so successfully.
I have 2 tricks I relied on to help me. One is a bowl of marbles in the freezer. After a few reminders, pull back the covers and dump the marbles directly on the bed. No matter where the child goes, the freezing marbles follow them. The second is a spray bottle of water kept in the fridge. a spritz of cold water in the face wakes them up pretty well. After a few times of this, all my kids needed was to hear the fridge/freezer door open and they would be hollaring "I'm up!"
While they both sound mean, neither is harmful, and it helps them tap into that determination they need to learn to use. Using these helped me to find a solution before I actually got angry and started yelling.