Be very careful about gaining so much weight in such a short time. Especially if you think it is not caused all by eating. I gained some weight at 2o weeks, had a little trace of protien and a slightly higher blood pressure than my normal but was still normal. (My normal was always low). Long story short it was the start of preeclampsia. All the sings were there but it was so slight I was sent home. It was my first pregnancy, I didn't know better. Long story short 4 weeks later, I begged to be seen. Luckily they were able to save my life, but not my sons. And the light headedness is from low blood sugar. So don't eat any white starches, only whole wheat bread, pasta, etc. No corn, no potatoes. Eat protein with every meal, and no sugar! Basically a diabetics diet. It is very important. It is your baby's health and yours, and check your blood pressure regularly. If it starts going up, go to your doctor's office and don't take no for an answer, also if you start swelling!!!!!