I had mine taken out several years ago, at a day surgery. My husband sat with me until they walked me back to the room, woke up next to so many other people doctor talked to me for a minute and was moved to a reclinder and processed and went home. Very out of it. slept most of the day. I only took 1 pain pill and that was the first day. Was a little sore after that for a couple of days. You will have 4 small incessions.
one in the belly button, (cant see) 2 other little ones, could not even tell you were they are at now and one that they make to pull the gall bladder through. Which is located along your bra line about center chest. Mine is a little larger than most, due to the fact I had 100 small stones and 4 large stone(almost the size of golf balls). I was mis treated for ulcers for 20 years, duh!!! You will see your surgeon in about a week after the surgery and he will give you the all clear. Funny I was craving a fat burger with tomato, I loved tomatoes, but before they would trigger and attack. The first thing I asked the dr. was can I go get a fat burger and he laughed and said go for it. Boy it was good. Weather you are having attacks now or never had one yet. It is better to get it out. Because those attacks are like having a heart attack they are so painful. A gallstone can lodge in your bile duck and you do not want that to happen. Having my gall bladder out was the best thing I did.
You will be fine and up and around within a day or 2. Still no heavy lifting for a week.
Take care. Enjoy life.