Hi K. -
I have had a lot of experience with G-Diapers and have to say after several attempts and really, really, really wanting them to be successful - I had to give them up and I do not recommend the investment. First of all they leak to the point where clothes just get ruined. I think I wasted more water rinsing out and no longer was being very green at that point. You definitely cannot flush them as they clog the system which was not a big deal to me as I was ok wrapping them and throwing them in the diaper genie.
Also I spent countless hours on the phone with their Marketing Director as they introduced an upgrade and the diapers and the liners where no longer compatible so I had to stop using original liners and buy all new. It is a huge expense that seems to grow and grow.
Lastly - I bought them at Whole Foods and I would take special trips to buy them during my lunch hour and 75% of the time they were out of my size so I would come home empty handed. I bought online to avoid wasted trips but was expensive. I found that Whole Foods had regular sales on them and preferred to buy them there.