My baby was very fussy too (she's now 18 months). She was calm when she was almost asleep on someone's chest, or asleep in the Moby wrap, or on the breast. Otherwise, there was a lot of crying...
But, in those first months some of her fussiness was attributed to us figuring out what she wanted. She wanted to be held a lot. The Happiest Baby on the Block talks about this (and swaddling) and the idea of the "fourth trimester" - that its about simulating the environment in the womb for some babies. It was somewhat useful and helped explain some things for us.
Another helpful tool was Dunstan Baby Language DVD (maybe you can borrow it because its way expensive for the 30 minute lesson it gives!). It helps decode the different sounds a baby makes to tell what they want. We realized our baby was gassy a lot (not hungry as my mom kept saying) and we would pat her, give gripe water, and do the different techniques to help.
For us it was about learning what she wanted but even now she is still a somewhat needy child. I think its hard to say what your son will be like from the first few months but there are things you can do to try and help the fussiness.