Frustrated with Drs, Clinics, Chiropractors... Everybody!

Updated on February 29, 2012
V.W. asks from Chisago City, MN
15 answers

Some of you may know that I've been having a lot of problems with my wrist the past few months. For those who don't here's a quick recap (There is some information that I forgot to mention in my last post):

In August my cow trapped my wrist between herself and a metal pole. I didn't see a Dr for it, figured it would heal on it's own. It didn't. In late November I gave in and went to the Dr. They did X-rays. Didn't find anything. They sent me to a specialist. He didn't know what was wrong. We tried resting it completely for 2 weeks. That didn't help. So he gave me 'restrengthening' exercises to do at home and told me to push through the pain and try to use the wrist as much as possible. It wasn't fun, but I followed his orders. I didn't see any improvement with the pain.

I was working out in the barn and re injured the same wrist. I had to go into the ER because there was a small bump sticking up out of my wrist and the nurse I talked to on the phone thought that it was a bone and that I had broken or fractured my wrist when I re injured it. The ER did x-rays, found a stress fracture right where the bump was, told me to set up an MRI through my specialist, and sent me home with a splint. The MRI found NOTHING... The stress fracture was gone. There was one small black spot that I questioned. The specialist told me that it might be a ganglion cyst. However, when I later called his office and asked him about it again (After I had done some research on what a ganglion cyst was) he said that he really didn't think that it was a ganglion cyst. My wrist was still in severe pain, and the pain killers did little to help it. I convinced my Dr to do a EMG (He had previously thought that there might be some nerve damage but wasn't sure if he wanted to do the EMG). The EMG found nothing. The only thing that the Drs could tell me was that I DO NOT have carpal tunnel syndrome. Well, that's great but I'd kinda like to know what I DO have.

When I first started seeing the specialist, he had given me a list of steps we would take to figure out what was wrong with my wrist: Rest it for 2 weeks, use the hell out of it for 2 weeks, MRI, EMG, and go see an orthopedic surgeon. Well, we had done everything except going to see an orthopedic surgeon and when I mentioned that to him he said that he didn't think that the orthopedic surgeon would have any more ideas than he had and said that he wasn't going to refer me to the surgeon. I gave up on the whole Dr idea and just lived with the pain. I tried to push through the pain and use my wrist as much as possible.

Finally, I gave in and went to a chiropractor last Monday (Feb 20). He found the "problem" right away and said that I had scar tissue in my wrist which was causing the joints to be out of alignment. My wrist felt good immediately after the appointment. I could do things that I haven't been able to do since August (Like turn a door handle, and feel my fingers (They have had that pins and needles feeling since August)). Tuesday and Wednesday my wrist was sore (Like a bruise), but I'm pretty sure that that was normal. I mean, he was using a "percusser" instrument (A really strong vibrator) to break up the scar tissue and was digging into the muscles with his hands to get what the instrument couldn't. I figured a little soreness was normal.

Then Thursday morning I woke up and couldn't use anything below my elbow. I went to my clinic (Wasn't able to see my Dr and had to see a nurse practitioner). She basically told me that they couldn't do anything for me because I had seen the chiropractor and they didn't know what he had done. She advised me to make another appointment with my chiropractor. I made an appointment with the same chiropractor because he wast he one who could get me in the soonest (Some of you might remember that I wasn't comfortable with this chiropractor because of what happened during my first appointment with him). Still, he couldn't get me in until Monday (Feb 27) so I had to spend the weekend in pain. At first it was just painful when I tried to use it or when I moved it. Then it was sore all the time, day and night. I couldn't sleep because of the pain. My fingers feel very stiff when I try to move them, and the muscles in my wrist feel very tight when I try to bend it forwards or backwards. On top of that I could tell that my right wrist/arm was being overused. I have been putting a lot of stress on that arm since August since using my left wrist/arm hurts. Monday couldn't come soon enough!

Then yesterday I had my appointment. He didn't seem too concerned that I couldn't use my arm. This time he worked more on my elbow, upper arm, armpit, and collar bone. As soon as he got done I could tell that he had made things worse. Now I can't use any part of my arm without causing extreme pain, plus the pain in my collar bone is unbearable. It doesn't feel like the bruised feeling that the first visit gave me. When I move my arm it feels like something might tear if I move it any further.

I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow (My future MIL recommended him to me, so hopefully he's as good as she says he is). However, if he doesn't have any new ideas then what? I CAN'T go on like this anymore. I was in tears last night because it hurt so bad and I usually never cry because of pain (The only other time was during the last few minutes of labor before I started pushing). It probably didn't help that I've been so sleep deprived lately because of the pain.

The splint/brace that the ER made me when I re injured my wrist is starting to cause more pain when I try to wear it. I bought a wrist brace from the clinic and was hoping it would give me more support without putting my wrist in an uncomfortable position, but it's not helping. This brace is just as uncomfortable. However, I don't want to stop wearing it because I want my wrist to be protected. Before this whole chiropractor thing I was only wearing the braces and splints while I was at work to protect it (I'm a cashier at wal-mart), but now I want to protect it all the time (Even at home).

I'm just so frustrated with the Drs and the clinics and that damn chiropractor. My fiance has been wonderful through all this, and wants this fixed as much as I do.

I guess this post was just more of a vent. Can you tell me of a time when you were just so frustrated with your Dr, and how it turned out?

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I feel you--my mother right now (otherwise healthy as a horse) is going through this with some gastro issues. Wait a month to see a gastro doc, then wait 6 weeks for the colonoscopy/endoscopy. It's insane.
You'd THINK that medicine is a more exact science but I think it's more of a "hunch playing" thing. I think a good doctor is a rare thing.
I hope you find O..
I would be frustrated too!
Hang in there.

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answers from Dallas on

I have been in your shoes after a car accident. Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Chiropractors, MD's, Orthapedics...What finally helped me? Accupuncture!

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answers from Portland on

I suggest that one of the reasons you're having so much difficulty is that you first, did not go to the doctor when the injury happened and then you didn't do what they recommended. If you need a brace and/or splints you need to wear it/them all of the time. Did the doctor not tell you that? When you make appointments be sure you get in to see the same doctor. It is a matter of finding what works and each new person you see has to start from the beginning.

You've let this go on for too long. Pick a doctor, the surgeon maybe a good one, and stay with him and do everything that he says. Wait them often, without waiting on your own to hope it heals its self.

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answers from New York on

Have you checked into acupuncture?

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answers from Chicago on

I feel for you with the Chiropractor thing. I went to a chiropractor for low back pain, after a few hours the pain was awful, went back (STUPID) she did another adjustment and it took me 2 hours just to get off her table. Finally made my way to the ER, where they told me I had 2 bulging discs in my lower back and that I would periodically have to deal with this the rest of my life.

I have had flare ups every few months since. I did find a good Chiropractor after 5 years who had helped me tremendously, but it took me all that time to get up the nerve to go to someone new again.

I hope that you can figure this thing out, and that the surgeon will be the one to find out what the hell is going on.

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answers from San Francisco on

Okay. Obviously I'm not a doctor, but I know what has helped me. I have an old injury in my back, and I can tell you this. When I get a chiropractic adjustment, it often times HURTS that day and the day after. This is because your muscles will have adjusted to their incorrect position, and when the bones are put back into alignment, the muscles are forced to adjust as well. This means: A) several adjustments over a period of time are generally required to get any meaningful results, and B) the muscles/nerves will swell, which is painful. I don't know if your chiro told you this or not, but after an adjustment, you should ice the sore area on and off (10 minutes on, 10 minutes off, for an hour or more). Also, taking an anti-inflammatory (Ibuprofen in 800mg doses every 6 hours) helps.

Honestly, I think a big part of your issue here is that you're bouncing from doctor to doctor, and not giving anyone a chance to work through this with you. Why not call the chiropractor and ask if it's normal that you should be feeling like this? (For that matter, why leave his office without asking, if you knew it felt worse?) You may need further adjustment, and/or you may simply need to reduce the swelling (ice. ibuprofen) in order to feel better.

Additionally, you may try acupuncture. The purpose of acupuncture is to reduce nerve inflammation. In conjunction with chiropractic, this may be exactly what you need to resolve this issue.

Being that you've had x-rays and an MRI, I'm not sure what point there would be in going to see an orthopedic surgeon? If nothing is broken, there's not going to be anything he can do for you, right? Since you did experience some relief with the chiropractor, I'd stay the course with him, personally.

Good luck! I hope you feel better soon!

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answers from Atlanta on

I have to whole-heartedly agree with Marda. This is happening because you didn't go to the doctor the first time you injured it.

If the last visit to the chiropractor had you in more pain, you should not have left the office. It's okay to tell a doctor you are not feeling better.

If the doctor's gave you a brace, you must wear it. If it hurts, you need to call the doctor you gave it to you and tell them that it hurts so it can be refitted.

Every time you see a new doctor, they start from scratch. When you go to the orthopedist that was recommended to you, ask your chiropractor for a copy of your file so the orthopedist can see what he has done.

No, I've not been frustrated with my doctor. I have been frustrated with my wife's doctor. It took us several months to figure out what was going on with her "girl parts". But we just kept pushing for answers and finally getting them.

Please let this be a lesson to you, don't put off going to the doctor when you have hurt yourself.

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answers from Dallas on

I am sorry you are having to deal with this. My husband and I can relate. He was having stomach pains and pains in his groin. It got to the point where he spent all his time in bed. Went to work and came home to bed. He did NOTHING on the weekends. He was not himself at all. First doctor told us it was a slight infection due to a vasectomy. Then he told us it may be post vasectomy pain syndrome (a chronic pain issue for some men). The the urologist decides it's diverticulitis (an infection in the intestines) and sends us to a gastroenterologist. He agrees and does a colonoscopy. He tells us afterwards of my husbands terrible infection. When my hubby questions it (because his symptoms were not consistent with the disease), he's blown off and reminded how bad the infection is. During the next check up the doctor announces he wants to REMOVE part of hubby's intestine. My husband can't leave that appointment fast enough. Find another doctor. We were VERY leery. He took his time. He reviewed all the information. He did blood work(no one else had done this). He could not find any sign of infection or any indication that would require removing part of his intestine. Instead, he suggests a food diary to track the discomfort. Tells us this may find an intolerance or allergy. We see it pretty quickly. The worst days are when he has dairy. So we cut out all dairy. He's felt fine ever since. The point is, keep looking for the right doctor. SOMEONE will know what to do to help you. I hope you get the answers you need and get healing. I know what it's like to watch someone you love writhing in pain. I hope you feel better soon!

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answers from Washington DC on

Luckily for me I've had really great doctors throughout my entire life so far.

The ONLY time I had any kind of issue was when I was pregnant with my daughter. My OB at the time refused to listen to me that I have a LONG cycle, we're talking 36 to 45 days AND that I had it down to only TWO possible days I could have gotten pregnant (hubby out of town on business the rest of the month LOL). But he INSISTED on using that little wheel they use for estimating my due date. Needless to say he was off and I was right. But it all turned out ok and I have an interesting and smart and beautiful 16 year old daughter :)

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answers from Dallas on

I had lived with back pain and wrist pain for 6 years and no one could help. the Chiropractor adjustment made it more painful until I met someone who shared about a supplement that helped me with migraine after w 20 years and as an added bonus helped with the back and wrist pain as well. The body has the power to heal given the right balanced nutrition, so, I have been pain free for 12 years now.

Let me know if you would like to try and I will give you detail information.

Wishing you all the best.

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answers from Seattle on

Ice, acupuncture, and stick with the Chiro. It does take time and often hurts more before it gets better (similar to working out, you're sore before te muscles grow). Wouldn't hurt to have an Ortho consult though too.

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answers from Minneapolis on

First, understand that wrists are extremely difficult to diagnose and especially after having waited for so long. I think an orthopedic surgeon appointment is a very good idea. They have much more experience sorting out the details on this type of injury than a regular physician. If they don't find anything specific, make sure you still get a referral for physical therapy and then follow the treatment plan to the letter. I have a feeling you tend to overdo things and are not letting anything rest long enough. Whenever you use it, make sure you ice afterward. Even though my broken wrist has healed properly, it still can get stiff and swollen after I use it more aggressively (i.e. lifting heavy things, lots of twisting, etc). Note: I cracked 1 tiny little bone back in October, got it diagnosed/splinted within 3 days, and I am still nursing it back to 100% Wrists are very slow and difficult to heal!

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answers from Tulsa on

I am sick of all doctors. In fact, I seriously considered going off all meds and trying the natural way. I also considered not going to any more appointments since I do not feel better anyways.

I was tempted to just take a vacation to Hawaii with all the money I am spending and all the time I am wasting.

I am now waiting to see if I have precancer or cancer(earliest stage), so I am so glad I didn't do this.

I do not think you have cancer, but you get the point.



answers from Minneapolis on

I would try acupuncture ... ice/heat .... and stay away from the Chiropractor... esp. for ANYTHING near your neck as it sounds this is where your 'adjustments' are heading.

My nanny went in for an adjustment for her back and ended up in the ER for emergency surgery on her neck. I hope you feel some relief soon.


answers from Dallas on

Oh my, this sounds like it has been an awful ordeal for you. I hope you can find relief soon. And to answer your question, yes, I have been frustrated with healthcare for a long time. It seems that doctors will give conflicting information sometimes, or none at all. It really is frustrating to try to find specific answers. I will pray for you!

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