First I commend you for working and keeping the house not dirty! I have a hard time keeping up my house and I'm here all day! My husband is just as bad as your man, he doesn't even put his dish in the dishwasher when I'm standing there loading it! I'll tell you what I do to make it more manageable.
I only due laundry on Friday Saturday and Sunday. I wash and dry and fold load after load and then put it all away Sunday night after the kids are in bed. What doesn't get done in those days sits until the next week. My husband has learned this the hard way, sometimes he puts his dirty stuff on the floor in the closet and it doesn't get washed. I have baskets for dirty stuff and there isn't one on the closet floor :-) I will NOT be a slave to the washer/dryer!
I keep the dishes washed daily. I may only do them once a day but at some point each day they are all clean. The pots and pans may be in the dry rack, but they're clean!
Bathrooms get a full cleaning once a week. I'll hit the toilet with a clorox wipe if company is coming but that's about it.
My kids toys are another story. I push things aside all day while I tell them to clean them up. If they don't do it during the day they do it all before bed. Which to them means no TV and less story time. They don't like that so they usually pick up through the day. My youngest is only 2 and she helps. You should have your 2 year old help too. Putting toys in the toy box is not too much to ask of a 2 year old.
As for dusting and running the vacuum, I do it once a week, usually on Friday. I do sweep with a broom in the kitchen almost every day.
You just have to break the house stuff down into small jobs so it doesn't seem so overwelming to you. If you still have boxes to unpack, decide a number that is workable to empty each day and do it. Even if it's only a box a day, they will be gone at some point. Tell him that you're doing the best you can and if he could help a bit with the every day stuff like doing the dishes, you'd have time to unpack the boxes and get rid of the clutter. Also, take a vitiman every day if you aren't all ready to help with your energy level later in the day. I find that doing some form of exercise helps my energy level. My kids love when I lift them up on my feet while I'm laying on my back. I have to walk a few blocks for the mail and that give me a little pick me up. Good luck to you, I hope this gave you some ideas to help in your situation!