I did this before my last son was born and it was so helpful. Here are some more ideas.
- Meats in marinades or marinades by themselves - great for grilling
- Filling for quesadillas (can be as simple as chicken, cheese and salsa or green chilies)
- Dry mixes for muffins, waffles, pancakes, brownies, etc. - great for quick breakfasts or a special treat
- French Toast sticks - Just found an awesome recipe to make french toast sticks that go from freezer to oven and bake in 20 minutes.
- Single servings of anything you'll enjoy for lunch
A great resource for freezer cooking is onceamonthmom.com. She does her freezer cooking once a month, so her recipes are often quadrupled but the menus are set up in excel and easy to configure for one batch or two. And I would suggest doing the smaller version (8x8) unless you love leftovers for days on end. I find whenever I freeze a larger (9x13) we end up throwing some of it away. But we have a small family 2 adults, 1 preschooler and 1 toddler.
Hope this helps and good luck to you!