I had some sort of unknown injury to my left ankle and wore a boot off and on for over a year. Last June 2013, I went to a new foot and ankle Dr. After testing and MRI, it was like there was rubbing against the bone which was creating a pothole effect in my ankle joint.
Instead of surgery, I opted for a new procedure ( many pro athletes already do it) which is not FDA approved nor approved by insurance. It is called PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma). My Dr is one of a handful in the Dallas area to do this procedure and I'm scheduled to be on the good morning Texas show with him as a client who testifies that it works! They took my blood and put it through a centrifuge and spun it thousands of times then added a growth hormone from a pig then injected it into my ankle joint.
My procedure was in August 2013. I had to stay in bed in a day boot and night brace and have NO weight on my foot for 5 days. Then I wore the boot a couple weeks then ankle brace, still sleeping in night brace through November. I also did a lot of hot spa foot baths at night followed by ice.
Right now, it is still 100% better as far as pain . I aggrevated it by walking too much, substitute teaching for 3 days in a row... ended up with scar tissue so I'm now in an ankle compression sock and brace along with daily foot baths in Epsom salts and followed by ice. I go back Thursday for a hopeful release.
Even though I had a minor set back the injection was worth it to me. I may do it again in the same joint to add more stem cell activity in the area. My problem is being in bed 5 days!!
The cost was not horrendous.... The injection was $1200 flat fee out of pocket no insurance involved and each dr visit is $70 out of my pocket, insurance covers the rest of the Dr visits which are $200 a trip.
I opted for no cortisone injection and anti-inflammatory meds. I hate RX and I feel that cortisone injections are just a band aid for a bigger problem.
Best wishes... I just got back from a trip in CA with a lot if walking and I managed great with my brace and compression sleeve.
Feel feee to pm for more specific info on PRP if interested.
ETA: if at all possible... Avoid surgery. That is not always the best avenue to take.