Formilk/ Hind Milk Imbalance

Updated on October 18, 2011
J.C. asks from Akron, OH
11 answers

Does anyone any experience with milk imbalance while beast feeding twins? All the information I have seen is for nursing a singleton and unfortunately will not be affective for me based on how I currently tandem feed them. Both of my kids are being affected in a different way. I really want to keep nursing but my husband is ready to throw in the towel. I really need to get the problem solved because my son is starting to not gain weight.

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So What Happened?

Thanks for the info. The issue I am running into is when you tandem feed them they are fed at the same time so I am not able to put him on the same breast she just finished because they start at the same time. I do currently switch them each feed, so if twin A is on the right at 9am then she will be on the left the next feeding and vise versa for him. I'm not sure how my milk got off track since I have always fed them that way. They are going to be 18 weeks on Thursday. Lately I have not been able to feed them
together because they pull off and scream and distract each other. Super vicious cycle...she screams, he gets scared, both refuse
to eat...not good. Will try to call the consultant tomorrow. Last time I tried she never returned my phone calls...all 4 of them...not
sure where else to go for hands on help. The reason I think it is milk imbalance is my daughter ismhaving green stools each time
and has been extremely colicky...way more than normal fussiness. Not sure ifthis added info helps. Do appreciate the
suggestions though. May be able to try them since they are refusing to tandem feed anyway...

melissa, did that make your breasts uneven? Or different sizes based on different feeding habits? At the hospital they said to make sure I always switch sides so my milk supply is even for both babies. I don't know how you did it with going back to work! I
can barely keep are definitely my hero right now. My goal is to feed for about a year...I have no problem going to 18
months or more if they don't ween themselves first. I think my husband is just getting frustrated because he can't help and this is
not my first problem regarding the feedings. I had to deal with thrush for about 6 wks...which only resolved about a month ago and we went right into this other issue...he doesn't have a lot of experience with babies, and is have a little bit of a wake up call as
to their needs...want's to make sure we are doing everything we need for them...I agree on the price tag if I can make
the milk...I want to keep feeding...thanks for the advice

Thanks everybodynfor the helpful suggestions. I have decided that block feeding is the way to go. Tried doing both kids on one breast for a few hours then switching, but found that the 2nd baby would empty the first breast and need to move onto the second, so was kind of a mute point. I have adjusted my approach and have assigned each child a breast, like suggested. I am going to try to keep them on one side for 2 to 3 days then switch. I have a concern about their heads getting a flat spot if I always feed them in the same position. I have already noticed that they tend to keep their heads turned to one side consistently when lying down in their cribs. When I turn it to themother side and prop them with a receiving blanket so they can't roll back onto it...they tend to get MAD:).

Back to the assigned breasts...the other reason I decided to try this is because I was attempting to nurse them one after the other and they were just not having I put them on for a tandem feed and they both did pulling off, screaming and both nursed consistently for about 14 minutes! So that is the plan for now...both babies have been so pleasant, happy and calm all day...let's pray for a calm evening also!

My breasts also don't feel as full either. I was definitly surprised how easily they nursed today, after only 1day of the block feeding from side to side. Hopefully keeping each twin assigned to a side will make an even bigger difference:)

So thanks again everyone, for all the help. Will keep you all posted on the progress!

Featured Answers


answers from Tampa on

I would recommend allowing the twins to have one breast - the same breast - for half the day before switching. The twins will suckle at a different speed and strength - so if baby A suckles lightly getting only foremilk, she will get even MORE foremilk only if you switch sides, versus allowing her to stay on the same breast which will enable her to get hindmilk. Talking with an IBCLC would also be very helpful!!

More Answers



answers from Cumberland on

Try and a La Leche League group for hands on help! Good for you--I can't imagine nursing twins!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Chicago on

Call lactation at the hospital. I breastfed my twins for 15 months with absolutely no supplementation (I also went back to work full-time when they were only eight weeks old). I don't know about the imbalance, but I always nursed the same twin on the same side. My body adapted for each baby's needs. Once, we goofed and accidentally switched sides. I guess my son had a more powerful suck than his brother because his brother was choking when the milk was coming out too fast.

For now, as painful as it sounds, try feeding them a little early for each feeding. Maybe they can get more milk that way. Also, if you pump after each feeding (like you'll have time for that!), you might be able to get out some hind milk, which will then increase the demand for it the next time they eat.

I would be more than happy to give more advice and encouragement. Show your husband the cost of formula until a baby turns one, then multiply by two! I'm sure he'll be willing to try longer. You can do it!!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Cincinnati on

I've never done it with twins, but I've dealt with it all three times with singletons. What I did for them was block feeding. With baby #2, I had to keep her on the same side for 4-6 hours before switching to the other side. She never had green poop, but she'd projectile vomit after most feedings because she was getting way too much milk.

I'd think the equivalent of that with twins would be to keep them on the same side instead of switching at each feeding. I liked someone else's suggestion of maybe switching halfway through the day or maybe not even switching at all. Simply assign each child a breast, and that's the one s/he gets.

You may want to consult a lactation consultant or someone from La Leche League first, but that would be my thought.



answers from Washington DC on

You need to talk to a certified LC, I think.

Also, is it because he's not getting enough hindmilk? Have you tried nursing him starting on the same side the other twin just used?



answers from Miami on

Green poop is an imbalance (too much foremilk). You DO need a certified lactation consultant, please find one A.S.A.P. Nursing twins surely must be a challenge but with determination and the right help, I'm sure you can do it.



answers from Kansas City on

I honestly don't know how to resolve the problem, but if you really want to keep nursing I would call the hospital where you delivered and see if there is a breastfeeding support group. At my hospital there was one so I got to be with other nursing moms and there was an RN (lactation consultant) there as well to counsel us and answer our questions. She also weighs the babies each week to make sure they're gaining an appropriate amount of weight (indicating enough milk). My consultant was amazing! No guilt, just support. It's all free. Good luck!



answers from Cincinnati on
Information on nursing twins.
I'm not sure where in Akron you are but here is the LLL list for Akron
and here is a LLL group for West Akron
I would HIGHLY recommend getting in contact with your local LLL group! The women from mine are AMAZING.
I haven't read through your other responses but I pray you get the problems worked out and I'm sending you all the love/support for BF'ing your babies!!!



answers from Honolulu on

My mil had twins and her solution was to give child 1 the right and child 2 the left then on the next feeding swapping sides.

How old are they? I ask because my mil also noticed that her boy was rail thin all the time and the girl seemed to have all the baby fat. He grew taller but nev seemed to weigh in quite right and the daughter got the wieght but didn't seem grow.



answers from Toledo on

I don't have twins, but I just wanted to say how great it is that you are working so hard to breastfeed twins. You are awesome!

The only advice I have is to have a consult with a lactation specialist. I would hope insurance would cover it since the benefits of breastfeeding are clear. If I were in your shoes, I'd be calling the hospital to get hooked up with the lactation consultant.

Good luck, and congrats!



answers from Kansas City on

I asked a question recently about green poop. I thought it was hind milk foremilk imbalance too. But I think it was a virus. It.started.with spinach/leafy looking poop. Lasted two weeks. Smelled weird. Various consistencies. My Dr. Saw a diaper at sons two month check up and said it was probably LG a virus. Sure enough, after two weeks it was back to normal. Not sure if that may be your issue but thought worth mentioning.

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