You didn't mention exactly how long it has been. With both my boys mine came in the day I left the hospital. I think they say 3-5 days?
Anyone have any tips to help my milk come in faster? Its exhausting nursing all day and my little guy is still hungry. Also any tips on how to get him to go to sleep would be great, right now I am nursing all day and giving a little formula at bedtime so I can get some sleep- I would really like to bf exclusively but dont know any other way to get any sleep. TIA
You didn't mention exactly how long it has been. With both my boys mine came in the day I left the hospital. I think they say 3-5 days?
You'll hate this:
How to make your milk come in faster, and meet his needs, is to NOT use formula at all, and to nurse more.
You need to be eating enough, drinking enough fluids, and getting enough rest, lay down when he does. It takes about 6 weeks or so for your body to regulate to his needs and produce the proper amount of breast milk for him, and the time before that can be exhausting!
Does he have a pacifier? You may be able to hold him off a few minutes before nursing by giving it to him, which will allow your milk flow to begin as well. Make sure he nurses at one breast fully, burp him and switch him off to the other breast, and begin nursing on that last breast at the next feeding, this will help regulate your milk flow as well.
Nurse him if you can right before bed, but know the bottle of formula is fine. Try swaddling him to keep him cozy and secure before you put him down, which may help him relax and go to sleep.
I went through the same thing and threatened every day from week 4 - 7 that I would stop breastfeeding, but I had a patient friend who supported and encouraged me, and she was right...mid-week 7 everything worked perfectly and I nursed my daughter for 13.5 months exclusively.
God bless and congratulations on your new son!!
It's been awhile for me, but I know for sure that you need to be eating lots of good food, drinking LOTS of water and it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep taking those prenatal vitamins.
Good luck mama, and good job!
Breastfeeding is a supply and demand "game". If you supplement with formula, you are interfering with the demand which lowers the supply. You didn't say how old your baby is...? It usually takes aout 6 weeks or so to establish your milk supply. It is perfectly normal for a newborn to nurse every three hours, and sometimes more frequently. Eat well, drink plenty of water and nap when baby naps.Feed him on demand rather than trying to keep any schedule. Breastfeeding is the BEST thing you can do for your new little sweetie and YOU!. Keep up the good work!
I would breast feed when the baby is hungry, between 1-2 hours and your milk will come in the more you nurse. I wouldn't do the formula at night if it was me and just get him to nurse and then swaddle him at bedtime. Not too tightly but just enough to feel secure and he should sleep better that way. He's so young it'll take time for him to get on a good schedule. Put some soft musical crib toy where he can here it. I used to pat my babies at bedtime when they were newborn and they went to sleep fairly well, depending on the baby. It's a hard time at first when they are not sleeping, you are tired, etc. but it will get better in time so don't be discouraged. Sleep when you can during the day and if you can get help from anyone at all for short periods try to do that and rest some.
It takes 2-3 days after delivery for your milk to come in. If you're not sure how well he's latching, call the hospital and see if there's a lactation consultant available to help you. You should just feel tugging, not pain when the baby is latched correctly. You should feed the baby every 2-3 hours, on demand...sometimes they eat more often, sometimes they sleep awhile. Always let a sleeping baby sleep :) Feed 10-15 minutes on the 1st side, then as long as he wants on the 2nd time. Don't let the baby stay on the breast for more than 30 minutes, then he's just using you as a pacifier. Give him a pacifier if that's what he wants...it is recommended by the Acadamy of Pediatrics...it reduces the risk of SIDS. Make sure the baby is eating and not snacking - don't let him eat just 5 minutes and fall asleep. You can take some Fenugreek to help your milk come in better (recommended by lactation consultants all the time)...you should be able to get it at any health food store..I believe you make it as a tea. Like the other moms have said, eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, drink lots of water, eat more calories than normal (about 500 more calories per day for milk production). If your breast are firm from your milk coming in - try a warm compress to the breast before latching, or pumping for a minute to soften the breast and make latching easier. If you really need to give formula, try giving it with a curved syringe while the baby is latched to the breast. That way you're not interfering with the breast feeding, but you are adding the extra.
What worked for my daughter with her daughter (who was colicky) to get her to sleep : she started a routine. A nice, warm bath with the lavender baby wash, swaddling, rocked her to sleep. She has a fan in her room for some white noise. Make sure you only let the baby sleep on her back, and that there is nothing extra in the crib, such as pillows, blankets, stuffed animals or even a bumpter pad - all of those things are recommended to reduce the risk of SIDS.
good luck!!
Sorry I know it's not what you want to hear but Riley J is right, if you want your milk to come in faster do NOT give him any formula.
I know how hard it is, I did it three times!
Hang in there :)
Put him at breast, on demand 24/7.
Drink water.
Eat healthily and well.
Do not supplement baby with Formula. Direct, nurse.
Make sure, he is latching on properly.