When my DH travels for work he usually drives himself... but that's mainly because he works literally 2 miles from the airport (as opposed to coming from the house which is 30 miles - 40 minutes- away) He usually leaves in the middle of the day, so he has to be at work for a bit anyway. The kids and I do take him once in awhile and we love it.
And yeah... when he goes out of town I have to do life with the kids on my own, but then he has to do work pretty much ALL day. DH doesn't get to have a break from work... it's work talk all the time, work dinners, work meetings, and during "down times" it's analyzing work data and papers... ok, yeah he's got the plane ride but he's still on a work trip. It's not like he's going on vacation without me.
Besides, I'm used to being by myself with the kids... M, W and F he is gone from 6:30a-9:30p (work and karate), then on T and Th he's gone from 6:30a-5:30p then I leave at 5:45p to do my work... weekends are always a mixture of karate tournaments and my appointments and Girl Scouts... pure family time is few and far between...