The stuff you find in the grocery aisle or frankly, Pet Co or Pet Smart, are inferior foods. If you go to a healthier pet store (they usually aren't franchises, but mom and pop), they'll hook you up. For a dog or a cat, it should be grain-free kibble, hands down. I like to bring an empty bag into my vet when my animals have check ups so that she can take a look at the ingredients and percentages in whatever current food that we're using. That being said, they just had a recall of EVO cat kibble and that is one of the healthier brands, too. If you can't afford the healthier versions, ask your vet what percentages of protein, etc. that you should be looking for when you go to purchase. But like I said, it *should* be grain-free and those tend to be more expensive. But cats particularly absolutely need wet food, too.