Actually, you can get rid of these food "allergies" which are not true allergies, by adding in the nutrients you or your child are missing so that you can process the problem foods. I have a friend whose child had 60 food allergies - no kidding. The child also had rages and was diagnosed with a learning disability. Everything is gone after 5 months. Another had a soy, egg & peanut allergy. The soy & egg allergies are completely gone, and the peanut allergy is now showing as a zero on the tests.
It stands to reason that no one had these food allergies a generation ago - only since our food supply has become less nutritious have these issues developed. With depleted soils, pollution, more food processing, more convenience foods, and more picking of foods before ripening and then shipping them thousands of miles to our stores means that nothing sits on the vine long enough to develop full nutrient levels. Our modern, mechanized farming techniques that overuse the soil and don't rotate crops means that necessary elements aren't in the soil, so they are missing from our bodies.
That's why we have so many "allergies" - but they are reversible and even preventable.