I feel your pain. It took over a year for my 3 year old Son to get a diagnosis, with no allergies of any kind, eczema! Have you gone to the eczema website? It's something like national eczema association or something. They have extremely useful tips on bathing and moisturizing that have allowed us to keep his under control. The other thing he has to do is take anti histamines twice a day. We see a female derm doc at children's in Aurora. She is awesome. We hated Morrelli. I can't remember her name. She's fairly new there and graduated from Stanford.
It's the strict bathing & moisturizing that helped us, and when things were really bad we did wet wraps.
I wish you the best!!
Kid does not have to be an allergy. My son was tested at National Jewish, nothing. He was also tested for contact allergies at Children's. Nothing. But it is also true that the tests must be administered by a professional who specializes in them. It can be hard to see.