There is no evidence that this stuff works, but lets face it, there are two compelling reasons that parents cling to this.
One, they have actually spent money on a book, product, or program, and they see a placebo effect and need to keep seeing it to justify what they have done. Two, they really want to beleive that there is something out there that they can do on their own to control the world and bring about the best possible outcome.
I think it is obvious that if you need to argue that the established medical-pharmacitical-govenment-etc community is invlolved in a conspiriacy to keep evidence of the effective "treatment" under wraps, that the treatment is really a scam. But that is just me (and a bunch medical, pharmacitical, academic, government agency types who prefer empeirical evidence to anecdote.) That, and when I was a baby, I could not read!