Personally, our entire family NEVER gets the flu shot. The shot itself is just a guessing game. To select which influenza strain to put in the vaccine, the researchers look at which strains have been most prevalent over the past few years. I believe there are at least 12+ strains to choose from. The 3 most common strains are then put into the vaccine for this year's flu shot. As viruses always change and mutate, the chances that they will have chosen the correct strain and that it hasn't mutated are VERY slim.
Unless your daughter has a compromised immune system, or someone in your family is, I wouldn't give her the shot. Ever notice how about a week after the clinics start giving the flu vaccine, the community starts with the flu virus???? Sure, because they're releasing the viruses into the public!
Best thing to do is wash, wash, wash your hands and hers. Keep the hand sanitizers with you everywhere you go, clean the shopping cart handles very well, don't borrow the cashier's pen (or anyone elses) when you're asked to sign something. Eat your fresh healthy vegetables, take your vitamins, consider taking the herb Astragalus daily through the cold/flu season. Ask the workers at your local health food market, like Whole Foods, or New Life if you're in Tucson. Unlike Echinacea, Astragalus can be taken daily without the need to take a break after 9 weeks. There is a lot of information on the web about Astragalus. It is an immune system builder.
This is just my opinion as a pharmacy tech for 15 yrs and the mother of a cancer survivor.
Best wishes for a happy and healthy year for your family.