Here is my personal oppinion. We just moved here from Washington state & at home they did not push the flu shot like they do here. I don't beleive in getting the shot for my kids, 7 & 9 or for myself or husband. When these shots first came out & I wondered if I or my kids should get them their Doctor said that the only people that need the shot, are those who are older, or have medical issues. If you have issues getting sick often, have diabetes, and other health issues, you should get them. Otherwise, you need to build up the immunities that our bodies automatically build by allowing ourselves to get sick once in a while. Sometimes those shots cause you to get the flu off the bat b/c they are injecting you with a flu type virus...from what I understand. So I would not do anything that you as a mom feel uncomfortable about. I do not & will not ever get the shot & will not allow my kids to get it either. We are all healthy so there is really no reason. I am actually supprised your dr is pushing it b/c mine said absoluntely not do they need it. Do what you feel is right.