I had that problem a few years ago. Oddly enough, none of the expensive stuff I tried did the trick. Finally I used Hot Shot foggers and they were gone for good. Good luck!
I have fleas in my house. I did have an indoor cat but now she is strictly outdoors (she loves it) but i have a huge flea problem in my house and I dont know how to get rid of them. Any suggestions on what I can do or use?
Ok i went to Wal-Mart and got HOT SHOT foggers. I will be gone all day tomorrow so I will let everyone know how well it works. Thanks for all the great advise!
I had that problem a few years ago. Oddly enough, none of the expensive stuff I tried did the trick. Finally I used Hot Shot foggers and they were gone for good. Good luck!
Plan a day out of the house and use HOT Shot Foggers. Not only will you get rid of fleas but anything else that may be around.
Hot shot foggers work great for this also if you have carpet sprinkle just plain ole table salt in you carpet let set for a couple hours then vaccum up.
you can use the Spectracide®
1 Gallon Flea & Tick Killer with Sprayer it works
you can buy it from lowes is about 11.00 and 1 gallon in enough for a big house
hope it help
I've delt with this before. I spoke to a veternarian even though I did not have pets. He stated that Hot Shot foggers are great but one thing people don't realize is that some fleas come from your grass outside of your home. They affix themselves to your socks, shoes or pants and when you get into the house you have a problem. Be sure that you also treat the outside of your house just in case or make sure that if you can go through your garage first and disrobe and spray down your belongings before you enter the house with them.
Also, what works is stomping your feet vigorously! You can throw your own temper tantrum and get away with it!