My now 6 yr. old wore a cranial molding helmet when she was 1. Her flat spot, which was diagnosed as plagiocephaly, caused her forhead to boss on one side, her ears were out of alignment, and one eye and cheek were bigger than the other. My father was a family doctor, it took him being away from her 2 weeks to notice it, he had been monitoring her head size (it was kinda big for her age), and I just never noticed. (have a friend that told me I had been in denial something was wrong with her, nice). SO, since you have noticed, and your doctor is aware, you should lay him in the crib and alternate how you put him in. (so his head is postioned to the other side) and move the swing, bouncy, etc so if he is looking out into a room, he is going to want to turn his head in the direction needed. We did not catch this in time, so we did get our child a helmet, after testing, molding, etc and not cheap and a lot if insurance co. consider it cosmetic and do not pay. Anyway, he is little enough that this can be corrected by you. Keep an eye on it, take some photos, especially from the top of his head (look down at his head), watch for the facial changes I mentioned my daughter had. It may take a few months, but you can do it without a helmet. Also, alternate the arm you hold him in for feedings. If you want mre info on this, please contact me, it is STILL not easy to find a lot of info on this, I have some good info and websites.