Lilly - I've not read ahead - but am surprised that people don't recognize you - you've been here a LONG TIME!!! I'm not calling you troll....
my kids are 12 and 14 and don't "do" these types of games...
Here's a rating for it...
People are saying "this is horror done right"...
I personally wouldn't allow a 5 year old to play this game. If he's having nightmares because of it? I would take it away and let him know he can play it when he's older and can handle it better.
If his friends won't be "friends" with him because he can't play it?? They aren't friends. My boys are NOT allowed to play Grand Theft Auto. Period. End of story. They know I will not allow them to go to that friend's house again if they play the game there...and I will KNOW if they have played it...just like Saints Row...I KNOW if they have played it - they are more aggressive and pissy...the parents of my boys' friends KNOW they are not allowed to play those two games. And guess what? There are so many other games out there that it's not a's called respect and friendship...
so if these "friends" won't be friends anymore because he can't play it? It's THEIR loss, not his...and he needs to find TRUE friends....
What were those parents thinking?? They weren't...they were more interested in letting a video game babysit their kids or being their kid's friends instead of being the's OKAY to say NO!!!