Believe it or not, my daughter's 1st grade science project asked the super important question "WHICH IS HEAVIER, BREAD OR TOAST?" She hypothesized "toast is heavier because it's hard and solid and bread is lighter because it's soft and squishy and feels so light and fluffy". Then, she did her experiment where she first weighed the bread, then toasted it, then weighed it again. What did she learn? BREAD IS HEAVIER. WHY? It has water which EVAPORATED in the toaster! It was actually a really good demonstration of evaporation. She did an awesome display (complete with toasted bread in a baggie) and pictures of the bread on the scale, then the toast on the scale). In 1st grade, it doesn't have to be fancy, just simple enough that they can actually do the work themselves and learn something from it. It's more about the scientific process than the most impressive laser beam display. Have fun!