I understand what you're saying... if he got caught driving while suspended, he'd be arrested and the children would be taken by social services until you could be gotten ahold of. While the cop MIGHT phone you, protocol is for Child Services to handle the transfer... at which point your H is in booking or being arraigned, they wouldn't be able to contact him... and esp if that's at night or on a weekend it's possible that they would spend not only the night in foster care, but possibly also the whole weekend. Ditto... if he's homeless having court ordered days and nights of visitation means that YOU are in contempt of court if you don't allow them to stay the night with him, and your custody could be revoked. These are NOW issues, not 6 months from now issues.
You're not trying to *revoke* his visitation, just suspend it or alter it to make sure that your kids are taken care of.
If legal aid is only open once a week for 2 hours I would personally contact the following people/orgs to pester them for info for a probono lawyer or a guardian ad litem:
- public defenders office
- local law school