Hi S....i just wanted to respond to tell you that Kawasaki disease is a form of Lupus, which is an autoimmune disease. Both diseases are characteristic of high fever, joint pain and inflammation (like arthritis), breaking out in hives, etc. Look it up on WebMd if you are curious. I just did'nt want you to read that post and freak out! It's probably unlikey your child has either of these! Other than that, i don't have much more advice for you, except this: I have 4 children, the youngest being 7 mo. old...TRUST YOUR GUT! Women have great intuition, and if you have to push for a diagnosis, PUSH! If you need a 2nd opinion, go elsewhere-a different Dr. Persistent high fevers are NOT the norm. Something IS going on with your child. Fevers are he body's sign that it is fighting something, some infection of sorts. Please let us know what you eventually find out. I hope you get some answers and peace of mind!