Fever While Teething

Updated on October 07, 2008
T.H. asks from Philomath, OR
5 answers

My 9 month old daughter is teething and so far she's been a champ. Is a fever normal with teething? It seems to come and go. Sometimes it's aroung 98 and an hour later it will be up to 101.8, then back down an hour or so later. Is this normal? Also, the last few nights she hasn't wanted to sleep. The most she's slept is an hour. She's not really fussy or crying, she just wants to play. Again, is this normal?

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answers from Seattle on

This just recently happened to my daughter too, she was better within a day. Keep her comfortable with lukewarm baths and cotton clothing.

We also used teething tablets and a very small (few droplets) dose of infant tylenol. I only use a quarter or less of what they say to use, it usually does just fine! I try not to use it at all but if they won't sleep you have to help their pain.

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answers from Seattle on

Hi, T.,
The fever is normal...Don't worry about it either. A temp of 101 is very normal for a baby. I was told by a pediatrician that some babies can have a normal temp of 101. I believe if it gets to 104 you should be concerned.

I don't know about the playing . . . although my first didn't fuss at all when teething.

The best thing I've found for peace of mind is to simply call my baby's doctor's office and ask to talk to a nurse about a question I have. They are very understanding (usually!) and it's easier to have them answer your question over the phone than have to bring your baby in when she's fine. If they think she should be seen, they will definitely let you know!

Good luck . . . and remember . . . you know your baby the best and you should do what you have to do to put your mind at ease.



answers from Eugene on

Yes, fever is normal. I would worry if the fever was a lot higher - if it is 103.4 or 103.7 then I would definately worry. I used to take wash clothes and wet them down and crinkle and twist them and put them in the freezer. The cold helps numb their gums and the slight roughness of the cloth feels good on their sore gums. I would freeze about 3 or 4 clothes at a time. Good luck. Oh and teething tablets and tylenol helped too.


answers from Seattle on


Yes, the fever is normal. They playing? I don't know, I don't think so though.

Read your "A little about me" and want to say this: trust your gut instincts. When you get that feeling that you know what's going on but can't explain why you know what you know, just go with it.

19 months ago I had my family doctor, my husband, and most of my friends and family suggesting, in various strengths, that my son needed speech therapy. That little voice/gut instinct resisted. Part of it was my pride, that I was his mom and could do it all for him and I was a failure if I couldn't.

I resisted and resisted and procrastinated. When my daughter was born 19 months ago I took my son out of daycare and we all stayed home. He got some one on one time with Mommy to fix his speech, and now he's fine. For him he just needed the 1:1, not the 10:1 at daycare. He gets lazy in his speech now and then.

Hope this helps, I think I wandered off topic a little.



answers from Portland on

To echo the other responses - yep, pretty normal. My guy gets a little fever and a lot of clear snot. He also seems to continue right on playing, like your girl. I just try to keep an eye on the fever, make sure it doesn't get too high and doesn't last for more than a day or so. As for the sleep, could be just a stage. Good luck!

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