If he's acting normal and is not showing any symptoms of a particular illness then his body may be fighting off a bug. It may get beaten today and then it may win and he get sick.
Our bodies are bombarded by bugs every day. They fight them off the best way while we are sleeping. So I would suggest you have him take a day off from very active play and just help him to do quiet things if at all possible.
I know stress is high in your area right now and I suggest you just try to keep a very positive attitude such as it's just a storm and it will blow over. We are in a safe area and are going to be okay. If the weather gets really bad we have a plan and will be safe. Let's go over the safety plan so you can see how safe we'll be if we need to use it....
He may just be feeling the stress and his body is heating up thinking it is a bug.
Keep him hydrated and as restful as possible. If it goes higher than 102 it may be time to get him to the doc so they can do an X-ray to check for pneumonia, do some blood work to see if his white blood cells are high, to pee in a cup to see if it's a bladder infection.... you know what I mean.
If the fever goes any higher and can't be controlled by Tylenol and Motrin rotations then it's time to seek medical attention. If it is anything serious I would expect a peaking fever that won't go anywhere even with medication.